Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven

Led Zeppelin - Stairway To Heaven Video Clips. Duration : 10.00 Mins.

Stairway To Heaven (At it's best quality) with a little extra at the end... Also Led Zeppelin rules! And this song should be heard by everyone! Jimmy Page, a musical genius and one of the best rock guitarists ever... Robert Plant, a great singer/lyricist and has one of the greatest voices known... JPJ, great bass works, great keyboard works, a great musician, truly great... Bonzo, ROCK THE F*CK OUTTA THOSE DRUMS! YEAH! RIP Bonzo, too... All outstanding, breathtaking and great artists to all together in one of the greatest rock bands known to the world. PS: Youtube's copyright sh*t is a pain! I'll completely fight against it... WMG sucks for removing videos... But I completely understand why, but not for this song, no sir! WMG is Warner Music Group, if you didn't know... This is a song that is for everybody! And everybody should hear it! Even though I understand what their purpose is... I will still fight for this song to be heard through generations. Also when I found that the original video got blocked, I didn't felt it was my duty to do another video, I didn't want to take all the views (I don't care), it's just I wanted other people to hear its beauty! New people! Look, I was born in 1992 and then I found nothing interesting about music in my early age! Everyone was listening to rap and hip-hop, and I just kinda dig it (only the talented and true-hearted rap songs were good, most rap songs I didn't like), but then when I had my own computer hooked up on the 'internet ...

Keywords: 1971, stairway, to, heaven, lead, led, zep, lz, zeppelin, best, greatest, rock, song, ever, love, peace, jimmy, page, robert, plant, john, paul, jones, jpj, bonham, bonzo, zoso, studio, british, band, from, 4th, album, IV, version, the, nobs, doesn, not, suck, sucks, painting, by, Jim, Warren, ♫, lyrics


